Track Replacement
Customer Issue: The customer had a pair of tracks that wouldn’t hold the rollers for long, due to previous users having misused them.
Our Solution: It took some coordination, but we managed to lift the garage door out of the battered tracks without damaging any of the rollers. We had to cut through some parts of the tracks, around screws that were too badly twisted and corroded to the metal. Once we finally got the old material removed, the garage door track replacement was mercifully easy to install.

Broken Spring Replacement
Customer Issue: The customer had a garage door spring break the night before she needed to use her car for an important meeting.
Our Solution: We got the details of the type of springs the customer needed over the phone, and rushed over with a new pair of them. Our first order of business was to manually raise the garage door so that the customer could get her car out and make her meeting. Then, with her permission, we stayed long enough to ease the tension out of the springs, remove them, and install and test the replacement spring pair.