As the parts responsible for supporting your garage door, the springs are very important parts. They support the door using tension stored in their coils. You'll hear mainly of two types – extension and torsion springs. The torsion setup is the common one for overhead residential doors, as it is stronger. However, like most things, springs don't last forever. When it's time to have yours replaced – let our experts at Garage Door Repair Los Angeles do the hard work for you.
Expert Spring Replacement
Garage doors are complex systems and there are multiple parts that need to work in harmony for the door to operate safely and reliably. We are your team of local experts specialized in fast repairs and new installations, so whether you need your spring adjusted to get the door back in balanced or replaced – you can count on us for same day results.
High-Quality Springs and Parts
In all the years we have been in business, we can truly say we have seen it all. As such, it doesn't matter what kind of springs you need replaced – chances are we have done it before. We offer replacements and service for all major brands including Sears, Chamberlain and Liftmaster, to name but a few. All the parts we use are of high-quality so you can enjoy your newly repaired door for many years to come.
Preventative Maintenance
While we can't keep your springs functional forever, we can replace them before they break and leave you stuck outside (or inside) your garage. It's enough for just one of the springs to break to make your door inoperable. No matter how many times you'll click the remote, it wouldn't budge. It's never a fun experience, and we want to make sure our customers never have to deal with it. For that reason, we offer preventative maintenance that features regular check ups and safety tests, adjustments, lubrication, and other means to make sure your door is good to go until the next appointment – and no problem will surprise you when you least expect it. Get in touch with Garage Door Repair Los Angeles and we'll take care of all your spring-related troubles!
Other Related Advice
What should I do if my garage door spring broke?
Most garage doors will lock themselves in place when a spring breaks, so you can’t open them even with the manual release. Even if yours doesn’t though, you should avoid opening or closing the door on a broken spring unless there’s an emergency. Using the door on broken springs can damage the opener, and sometimes other components as well. Call a professional technician and get the springs replaced as soon as you can.
How long do garage door springs last?
Garage door spring lifespan is not measured in years but cycles. Every opening and closing cycle wears away at the springs, so more garage door use means you’ll need spring replacement sooner. Extension springs often last around 10,000 opening and closing cycles. Torsion springs last 15-20,000 cycles, which is why they’re more expensive. Assuming 4 opening and closing cycles per day on average, that means extension springs can last about 7 years, while torsion springs 9-14.
Can I replace a broken garage door spring myself?
The short answer? No. The long answer? More than any other kind of garage door project, spring replacement is very dangerous for amateurs to attempt. Garage door springs are kept under massive pressure, and the slightest slip can send them lashing out or flying off with great force. If a flying garage door spring hits you, severe injury and even death can result. If it flies out a window or open door, you could be putting neighbors and passerby in danger. Professional technicians only!